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Are you STILL using wax to get your floors to shine?
We used to wax our cars, now we have chip-resistance coatings. Technology drives change.

Scuffing and Buffing are things of the past. They are your signals that you can do better, improve your bottom line, while enhancing your facilities image and the impression of everyone you visits your facility.

Call MARBLELIFE and learn how you can reduce our costs, have a consistent superior look and finish while saving you time and money.

Typical ROI is less than 18 months, with immediate improvements in image and resources.

CALL MARBLELIFE for a facility evaluation.

Advances in material science have made waxing tile an expensive, unnecessary, and environmentally-unfriendly process. The good news is we can save you money while delivering amazing results.

Waxing Your Floors

  • Scuffing – Immediately after waxing, floors are scuffed by each rubber soled shoe dragged across it. You can either live with the scuffs or spend money having someone walk around with a tennis ball on a stick rubbing scuff marks out
  • Yellowing – Waxes tend to yellow with age as dirt is ground into their soft surface.
  • Buffing – Constant buffing is required to maintain that glossy appearance.
  • Stripping – Requires intensive labor, chemical solvent use, and material disposal.
  • Disinfection Incompatibility – Wax surfaces can be disrupted by many disinfectants resulting in a need for increased dry buffing, but as dry buffing blows dust and debris on the floor back into the air where it can be inhaled, dry buffing has become a concerning practice in its own right.

MARBLELIFE has a variety of solutions engineered based on the floor surface. They may look like a 1960’s wax finish but this is a 21st Century polymer chemistry.

MARBLELIFE uses silicon based high durability coating technology based on chemistry first developed by NASA for rocket re-entry applications. MARBLELIFE TileLOK applies this advanced know-how to durable floor protection to yield a ceramic re-glazing system second to none.

MARBLELIFE offers a variety of durable 21st Century polymer Technology to replace old school wax with superior performance and cost benefits.

  1. CERAMIC & SLATE – MARBLELIFE TileLOK provides a durable hard coat finish that will not scuff, requires no buffing, does not require stripping and is durable enough to go a year without attention. This treatment also offers anti-mold, anti-slip and anti-graffiti performance. Depending on wear traffic this treatment can go several years.
  2. VINYL – MARBLELFE VinylGuard – provides a durable, scuff-free, no-buff, performance that can go a year-plus in a school environment.
  3. MARBLE, CONCRETE & TERRAZZO – MARBLELIFE STONELIFE services will guarantee if they are maintaining these surfaces you will never need to restore them again.

Our treatments have been used to save money for universities, hospitals, airports, and office buildings while delivering superior and lasting results.  

More importantly our technology has been utilized to make hospitals and doctor’s offices safer by reducing hiding places for germs and bacteria.

CASE STUDY: University of Florida (UF) treated 170,000sq-ft of high-traffic dorm floors with TileLOK® and reported savings of over ,000 per year in maintenance costs alone versus the use of waxes. For the first time, UF could release their maintenance staff during the winter holidays, a time traditionally reserved for their stripping and waxing.

Learn More about Tilelok

NOTE: All images used on this site are MARBLELIFE Applications.
MARBLELIFE has been applying TILELOK since 2009.

Contact us for your free estimate
Call888-218-4616 to locate your nearest MARBLELIFE® office.

  • Wow!!!! The job done on my exotic granite island is absolutely incredible, the luster and beautiful shine that has been restored is indescribable. I recommend Marblelife without hesitation or reserve, the knowledge of the product from them was very comforting, thank you to Marblelife for making me feel that my granite is as beautiful as when I first had it put in 11 years ago!!!
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